Better Attention Span Using Attention Span Training Drills

Practice Drills for Training Your Attention Span.

Attention Span Training Drills & Attention Span Mental Exercises

Mental exercises that target your 'endurance' - how long you can sustain Attention -  are a great way to start boosting your power of focus. As simple and easy as they seem, they are the most effective devised by humanity to improve Attention span because you can do them without needing a computer, coach, mentor, or guru. They're just natural things humans do that require a lot of Attention and a lot of effort brushing aside distraction.

The more you do them, the better you get, and not just good at the exercises. You get to enjoy all manner of 'CROSS-TRANSFER EFFECTS' that occur as your mental discipline improves. These benefits will affect every area of your life in a positive way. 

The following exercises, drills, and practical practices will allow your Awareness to concentrate into an attentive state in such a way that you must employ it deftly, skillfully, and with increasing endurance as weeks pass. In beginning, you are about to confront hundreds, if not many thousands of attempts by your own brain to throw you off target. And with every attempt you fend off, the better you become at controlling your Attention.

List of Attention Span Training Drills

The names of the exercises are irrelevant and merely ideas that I came up with. You can make them your own, adjust them creatively to make them more challenging, and call them whatever you like. You can use them to build your own personal system of mental training drills. Keep in mind that your obstacles will generally be one or more of 'The Four Horsemen of Distraction':

  1. Wandering Thought (Attention wandering from your target, falling accidentally into thought)
  2. Impulsivity (the body wanting to move - sensations and reactions and energetic tensions)
  3. Fatigue (physical tiredness or, well, 'mental' weariness, which is still physical, or imbalanced diet)
  4. Outside Disturbances (influences outside of your own body that impact your senses - noises, lights, etc.)

Scientific Proof You Can Control Your Attention - Basic Attention Control Drill

A Simple, Basic Attention Control Demonstration by Vernon Howard!

Exercise Category:

• Attention Control

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Cognitive Flexibility

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up and Panoramic Covering All Four Attention Zones

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing
• Attention Holding

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• A place and situation where you are relaxed and will not be required to maintain Attention for safety’s sake

This technique was suggested more than fifty years ago by Mr. Vernon Howard, a great philosophical teacher on the human condition. It, along with any creative variation you wish to add to it, using ANY of your senses, does the job and makes the point of demonstrating your natural ability to control where and how you direct your Awareness.

He taught it as a means of demonstrating that if you have the ability to study such material as this then you most certainly have the ability to control your Attention. With that absolute fact scientifically demonstrated to yourself, the only concern afterwards is becoming better, more practiced, and comfortable with constant and continuous control on a daily basis as a matter of life-elevating habit.

If you're not engaged in anything that requires your attention for safety's sake, please try this enjoyable experiment which will prove practical as well as interesting.

1. Recall a pleasant recent event. Focus upon it briefly, enjoy it for a moment or two.

2. Dismiss the event and look closely at an article of clothing you are wearing. For a moment or two, study its color and weave.

3. Dismiss the clothing and concentrate your thoughts on some distant scene. Picture in your mind an attractive woods or perhaps a foreign country you would like to visit.

4. Dismiss your mental scene and proceed with your reading.

As Mr. Howard intended, this experiment has reminded you of one of your most agile and clever powers — that of Attention

The first important thing to notice is how easily and authoritatively you shifted from one area of concentration to another. Nothing at all stood in your way; you attended wherever you wished.

This conclusively proves that you do have some level of control over the direction of your thoughts. They are not quite the reckless and unmanageable imps they seem. From here, you will develop the mental discipline that will carry you through to higher and higher levels of cognitive skill.


Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training: Close-Up Environment To Close-Up Body

Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training: Close-Up Environment To Close-Up Body

Exercise Category:

• Attention Span & Control

In this version, zoom in and target your Attention onto one single, preferably small object in your environment and maintain your perceptual hold on it. Refuse to let go, no matter the nagging distractions. After a couple of minutes, release your mental grip and bring all your Attention to a Close-Up onto a very small, specific part of your body, on it’s surface as with a single hair on your arm or a fingernail; or perhaps internal, such as the feel of your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Similarly hold the integrity of that Attention and reject any temptation to let your Mind wander.

When a couple minutes have passed, re-target and lock once again onto the external object, repeating the process until the determined session time expires.

Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training: Close-Up Environment To Panoramic Body

Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training: Close-Up Environment To Panoramic Body

Exercise Category:

• Attention Span & Control

This warm-up exercise will prove vital for later Willpower training as it sets the stage for you to be able to literally switch your power of Concentration from external situations to your internal state and willfully control the way you think, feel, and behave.

Zoom in and target your Attention onto one single, preferably small object in your environment and maintain your perceptual hold on it. Refuse to let go, no matter the nagging distractions. After a couple of minutes, release your mental grip and bring all your Attention to a Close-Up view of your own body in such a way that you can perceive the entire form of it, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet—the way the clothing feels on your skin, the temperature of the air, the general feeling of breathing—try to experience what your entire body is sensing, all over, with no interest whatsoever as to what’s happening outside your physical self.

Maintain that Panoramic View onto Body for a minute or so, then drop it and transition immediately back to the single external object which you originally targeted. Repeat the process for the session duration.

Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training: Panoramic Environment To Close-Up Body

Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training: Panoramic Environment To Close-Up Body

Exercise Category:

• Attention Span & Control

Intentionally widen the scale of what you are paying Attention to until it takes in as expansive an area of the outside environment as you can consciously perceive—this includes what you can see and hear and smell about the world around you. In a very relaxed way, just take it all in, even if it requires a few minutes for you to completely open up your perception. Do not give any of your energy to thoughts or ideas, just immerse yourself into what’s happening ‘out there.’

When you feel you’ve got it and can expand your picture no more, quickly let go of that Panoramic View and bring all your Attention to a Close-Up of a very small, specific part of your body, on it’s surface as with a single hair on your arm or a fingernail; or perhaps internal, such as the feel of your tongue touching the roof of your mouth.

Maintain the integrity of that Attention and reject any temptation to let your Mind wander. When a couple minutes have passed, re-target and lock once again onto the Panoramic View of your Environment. Continue repeating the process for the allotted time.

Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training: Panoramic Environment To Panoramic Body

Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training: Panoramic Environment To Panoramic Body

Exercise Category:

• Attention Span & Control

Where you are, widen the scale of what you are paying Attention to until it takes in as expansive an area of the outside environment as you can consciously perceive—this includes what you can see and hear and smell about the world around you. In a very relaxed way, just take it all in, even if it requires a few minutes for you to completely open up your perception.

Do not give any of your energy to thoughts or ideas, just immerse yourself into what’s happening ‘out there’. When you feel you’ve got it and can expand your picture no more, quickly let go of that Panoramic View and bring all your Attention to your own body in such a way that you can perceive the entire form of it, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet—the way the clothing feels on your skin, the temperature of the air, the general feeling of breathing—try to experience what your entire body is sensing, all over, with no interest whatsoever as to what’s happening outside your physical self.

Maintain that Panoramic View onto Body for a minute or so, then drop it and transition immediately back to a Panoramic View of your Environment. Continue repeating the process for the allotted time.

Full Zone-to-Zone Attention Control - Attention Training Drill

Full Zone-to-Zone Attention Control - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Basic Attention Control (Across all Four Zones)

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Mental Endurance
• Cognitive Flexibility

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up/PanoramicCovering All FourAttention Zones

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing
• Attention Holding
• Attention Spotlight Adjustments (opening and closing the lens of Attention)

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Training tracker orpaper to write on
• Pen or pencil
• Timer or watch withsecond-hand to tracktime
• Privacy (although I've done this in busy coffee shops and mall food courts many times, just for fun of a challenge)

When using a camera, one of its key features is the ability to look through the lens and adjust distance and breadth of focus to either take in more or shut out unwanted subjects from the shot before taking the photograph or shooting the video.

Your Attention can also directed onto your environment in a panoramic (widely sweeping) or a close-up view, as well as can be focused onto your own body in the same fashion.

The panoramic view is wide like a full motion picture screen, while close-up view is narrowed down and restricted to one specific area or object.

Turning your Attention onto your own body can happen in a very generalized way (panoramic) or in a precise manner as when targeting a single sensation or thought or physical aspect of a small part of the body itself.

Now, you will practice moving, targeting, stretching, and restricting your Attention between the ‘FOUR ZONES’:


Moving your Attention around flexibly sets the stage for your ability to literally switch your power of Concentration from external situations to your internal state to willfully, dutifully manage the way you react to, work through, and process the way you think, feel, and, as a result, behave.

The ability to manage the effects of thoughts and feelings is very important for a strong Attention Span. Thoughts and emotions constitute the biggest cause of distraction in a human being, and are thus the perfect helpful friends in training yourself to be your own boss in the face of even the most intense emotional experiences.

To start, however, we are not going to try to manage or control anything except Attention, and in what should be a very simple and easy Attention Span Training Drill to test out.

This is also a great 'Self-Assessment Tool' to test and measure your Attention Span capacity. It may even be too easy because everything you're asked to do here you do already, each and every single day, all day long, but without intentionality.

Now, you will do it intentionally and gain priceless knowledge about the nature of Attention.

Zone-To-Zone Attention Control Training is a good first step in the right direction as it shuts down distracting, prattling streams of thought while fortifying your strength of resolve as you access and transition between all four zones of Attention:

• Body—Close-up (tight, close)
• Body—Panoramic (wide, broad)
• Environment—Panoramic (wide, broad)
• Environment—Close-up (tight, close)

Begin by centering your Attention on Body, Closeup, zooming in to the sensation of the tip of your tongue lightly touching the roof of your mouth.

Let all of your Attention rest there, alone, and all other sensations fadeinto the background.

After one minute, expand the perimeter of your Attention to encompass your entirebody and its sensations, Panoramically.

When a minute has passed, completely open up your perceptions panoramically to take in everything you can about your surrounding environment.

With an additional minute gone by, take your Attention and narrow it down to the details of one single object or target in the external surroundings for one minute.

Then, REVERSE the pattern by moving from Environment/Close-up to Environment/Panoramic to Body/Panoramic to Body/Close-up. 

In each zone, dismiss all thought or distraction to focus entirely on the zone itself.For more progress, lengthen the time for resting Attention in each zone from one minute to two, or even five.

Keep in mind that the longer the interval, the more likely that you'll have to dismiss unwanted thoughts. That's still good news, because we can all use a lot more practice at dismissing unnecessary thoughts.

This exercise also classifies as a Mindfulness booster. As you execute it, note how deeply you are required to FEEL your way through it so that you can fully experience your own perceptions and - needing to tap into your RESOLVE - cause your Attention to narrow or widen and move from one place to another. 


Continue the movements for sessions lasting a minimum of 20 minutes.

There is no hard, fast rule on that. More a matter of personal choice and comfort.  

Keep in mind that you get back in accordance to what you put in.

If, as is popularly taught, one becomes a world class master in 10,000 hours of practice, you're going to want to invest in yourself by perhaps sacrificing less important nonsense like digital entertainment and put practice in that time slot. Up to you. it's your life, and your dreams.

Body Stillness, Relaxed - Attention Span Training Drill

Body Stillness, Relaxed - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

Body-Oriented Warm-Up
• Sensory (Kinesthetic, physical body)

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Impulse Control
• Relaxation

Perceptual Focus: (where you'll direct your Awareness)

• Panoramic - Onto Self

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding − Onto Self

Practical Application Level:

• Self Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Training Tracker or paper to write on
• Comfortable Place To Sit
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock
• Privacy

Use the Awareness of your body as a means of training Attention. Your body is a convenient mental training gym because it's free, open 24 hours a day, and you don't have to drive anywhere to use it.

This body-targeting brain Attention Control Training Drill is used in many concentration disciplines for the initial stages of Mental Concentration development.

Sit in a relaxed but steady manner so that you do not have to keep yourself still.Your objective is to hold still for as long as you can, comfortably, breathing in a relaxed fashion, but otherwise not moving your body or fidgeting.

Center your Attention onto your body, in general, ensuring to remain relaxed. Note whether any tension occurs, and simply breathe deeply to release it.

As best you can, avoid getting caught up in a mental conversation with yourself, distracted by mental content. Your brain may react to the effort by attempting to 'ENTERTAIN' you. Many people drift into mental hynposis when faced with doing nothing particularly interesting.

That kind of drifting away from boredom is a major cause of distraction in that it steals your Attention, misdirecting it away from the position and feel of your physical body.

Continually guide your Attention back to the task should you wander. Waste no time in distraction over the fact that you find any of this a bit difficult, and do not allow yourself to launch into thoughts of the future related to how you'll perform later.

Stay locked onto your body and the feel of being fully present to your own existence in the here and now.

Anything that occurs in your mind during this effort is a potential distraction. Every single bit of it.

Every instance, and every type of distraction declined is a victory that teaches how to do it in the future, in any scenario, with general ease, even if lacking consistency in the beginning.

Therefore, If you find that you have begun chattering, mentally, or that your mind has wandered of into thought, simply re-center your Attention onto the task, onto your body, onto your breathing, providing yourself an ‘ATTENTION TARGET’ to return to, repeatedly.


As many times as it takes, over and over again until you become EXCELLENT at it over a period of weeks.

When the session alarm sounds (or if you simply find yourself unable to remain still), make notes of what you experienced, especially if found yourself distracted often:

What was the source of it?

Was there intrusive mental imagery? 

What were you thinking of?

What were you chattering to yourself about?


Basic Impulse Control - Attention Span Training Drill

Basic Impulse Control - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Body-Oriented Warm-Up
• Sensory & Intuitive

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Impulse Control
• Relaxation

Perceptual Focus:

• Panoramic & Close-Up-Onto Self

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding−Onto Self

Application Level:

• Self Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Training Tracker or paper to write on
• Comfortable Place to Sit
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock
• Privacy

Rather than merely sitting quietly still (which we do using the Basic Stillness, Relaxed technique), we now sit quietly and BREATHE, which increases the workload on your Attention, requiring even deeper control as you adjust the spotlight (bubble, lens, scope, etc.) of Attention to monitor numerous aspects of your physiology while prioritizing the distribution towards maintaining a deep, patient pace of intentional breath taking.

For this body-oriented Attention Span training exercise, set aside enough time for a challenging training session.

For instance, do four 5 minute attempts with a two or three minute break in between; or try two ten minute sessions. When you’ve built up enough stamina, try for fifteen or thirty minute sessions. In other words, work in increments of 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes, depending on your stamina.

To begin, sit in a relaxed, comfortable manner, as long as it is not so comfortable you start to feel lethargic or start dozing off.

You are to select a spot on the wall across from you to center your eyes on that is just SLIGHTLY ABOVE eye level so that your eyes are looking comfortably upward. Your objective is to gaze at that spot while you breathe in and out in a relaxed fashion, and your only concern is to take that action, and hold your gaze.

To the best of your ability, allow NOTHING to interfere with your task.

Maintain your gaze while breathing deeply, slowly and rhythmically. This can be an invigorating, refreshing practice that releases all tension and anxiety.

When any of The Four Horsemen* arise, decline to act or participate in their distracting influence.

(*The Four Horsemen: Wandering Thoughts, Impulsivity, Outside Disturbances, & Fatigue)

- Refuse to engage in a mental conversation or internal dialogue.
- Do not fall prey to wandering thoughts.
- Ignore outside distractions.
- Stay relaxed in the face of any pressing urges or impulses to fidget around.

With a quiet, aloof attitude, ignore any of The Four Horsemen, and give every ounce of your attention to your target. Period. Will your mind fight you on it? OF COURSE IT WILL, and that’s what you want! The key is this:


If at any moment your realize that have become fully distracted by any of The Four Horsemen of Mental Resistance, simply stop the exercise, then write down how long you were able to hold steady before you lost cognitive control. Note which type of interference overwhelemed your Attention, and then get back to the exercise to try to improve on the previous performance.

Do not judge or criticize yourself by your results because such is not only a waste of training time, but is also an indicator of at least one of 'The Four Horsemen of Mental Resistance' being active in your mind at that precise moment.

Your only reaction to overwhelming mental resistance should be to stop, record, note, and retry. If necessary, take a short break to re-energize.

Eye Blink Restraint, Basic - Attention Span Training Drill

Eye Blink Restraint, Basic - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Physical Control
• Self-control
• Working Memory
• Mental Endurance

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-up
• Onto Self

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direct, Onto Self

Application Level:

• Self Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Timer or watch with second-hand to track time

This sensory training exercise is the quintessential example of simplicity pointing the way to personal power. The Basic Eye Blink Restraint technique calls for you to pay strong attention to the onset of any robotic impulse that prompts you to blink your eyes premature to the designated interval.

Center your Attention and, using your time piece as a guide, hold your eyes open normally for one minute without blinking, at the same time you are observing the movement of the tip of the second hand as it makes its revolution.

As is comfortable for you, practice increasing the interval to one minute and fifteen seconds, then one minute and thirty seconds, one minute and fortyfive seconds, then eventually two minutes. In a twenty minute session, this exercise can be repeated at least eight times.

Not only does this method force you to become aware of and control a previously unnoticed impulse, but it also places a demand on your working memory as you have to hold the purpose of your task in memory lest you forget (the cognitive signal fade) and you lose track of what you were supposed to be doing.

You may find it strange at first, and may even detect slight anxiety or tension with yourself, but you will get the hang of it and discover an enjoyable challenge. This is one of those techniques that reveal just how little conscious control we employ when it comes to our physical form.

NOTE: You are encouraged to blink your eyes if they begin to become uncomfortable or start itching or burning - that is a NECESSARY action, whereas blinking merely out of habit is NOT necessary. Take careful notice as to whether the need to blink is a matter of ACTUAL physical discomfort, or merely because something unseen is trying to force a mechanical action!

Still, Like Water - Impulse Control & Steadiness

Still, Like Water - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Kinesthetic

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Mental Resolve

Perceptual Focus:

• Close Up, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing & Controlling - Onto Object

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Glass of water or other liquid

This Attention Span Training Drill is adapted from Theron Q. Dumont's suggestion in his 1800's classic, 'Power of Concentration.' Once more we take advantage of the most accessible training gym for improved mental discipline, which is your physical body.

Fill a small glass full of water, and grasp it by the fingers around the rim; putting your arm holding the glass directly in front of you. Now fix your eyes upon the glass and try to keep your arm so steady that no movement will be noticeable. Do the exercise with first one arm and then the other.

Do this first for one minute and then gradually increase it over time to five minutes or more depending on both your levels of physical comfort and mental endurance.

As you become more proficient, hold the glass by placing the bottom of it on your palm so that you are supporting it from beneath. You’ll find keeping the liquid still in this manner more of a challenge to both body and mind.

Train using this technique for a period of 30 days or more, noticing how your ability to concentrate increases along with your physical poise and self-steadiness.

Exclusivity of Attention, Basic - Attention Span Training Drill

Exclusivity of Attention, Basic - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Eye Control
• Self-Generated Interest
• Self-Guided Thought
• Memory

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing
• Attention Holding

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Timer or Stopwatch
• Pen or Pencil with Journal or Note paper

Here we practice the selection of a single object from among many competing for your Attention; giving that chosen target exclusive consideration, and intentionally generating your own interest (even where none previously exists), concerning your thoughts only with the one item.

Locate a single object - either in the room where you are or go somewhere outdoors so you may find one for use - to give your complete Attention. Look at the object with great care, steadily, persistently, as though it were the only thing that matters to you, but ensure to remain relaxed while breathing deeply, comfortably, allowing no tension in your shoulders, face, or eye muscles.

Try to estimate the size of the object in comparison to things that surround it, noting also its color, shape, texture, and any surface details. Consider what kind of material makes it up, and what purpose it serves. Think then as to whether there may be a way to improve upon it, and how such improvements may be carried out.

Next, close your eyes briefly and recall relevant imagery and observations about the object. Then, without looking again at the item, write out what you remember about it along with your answers to the questions suggested in the technique.

After a few weeks of this exercise, do not be surprised if you find your visual acquity beginning to improve in such a way that you begin to notice more detail in the world around you - richly vivid color and clarity - with a deeper sense of appreciation for beauty that may have escaped your notice up to this point.

You can apply this insight more practically by keeping in Mind that what you choose to pay close Attention to in life becomes (along with those things of the world associated with it) the target of your powers of perception, so that your brain begins to look for similarities and relationships in the world around you, even when you are not Consciously Aware of the ‘scanning’ activities going on in your brain.

Additionally, there will be things you discover about the nature and behavior of your Attention as well as your thoughts as they react to your efforts to exert control. Treat this matter as would a Scientist who wants to know everyting related to the processes he or she wants to master and apply.

Such lessons are of profound importance. For instance, you will hopefully discover that the same skill you acquire and strengthen through the practice of giving exclusive Attention to a single object in your surroundings (to the exclusion of all else) is the same skill that can be applied for searing-hot Mental Focus onto a worthwhile ambition, allowing you to succeed at even the loftiest objectives!

Another example is the necessity to push aside the distracting influences of all the other items in the environment. The inner resolve required to refuse to be swept away - to hold firmly on target - is the very inner resolve that, well-forged through this technique, will be there to serve you when distracting influences (people and situations) pull at you in business or on the job.

Direct & Hold Your Gaze - Impulse Control & Steadiness

Direct & Hold Your Gaze - Impulse Control & Steadiness

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Mental Resolve
• Self Control

Perceptual Focus:

• Close Up, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing & Controlling - Onto Object

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• A mirror

Whereas you retained a relaxed sense of poise in prior 'steadiness' impulse control exercises, now your task is to tap into your resolve and mentally concentrate on-target with rigorous effort.

The objective in this approach is steady concentration of your gaze into your own eyes, without wandering Attention, in total defiance of thoughts that seek to sweep you off into imagination.
Training your eyes for directness of attention gaze has a dynamic psychological effect on both yourself and others.

Keep in mind that the point of this practice (in addition to training of Attention, Resolve, Steadiness, and Self-Control) provides you the ability to connect with other human beings on a deeper level, observe with clarity how another person really is as opposed to how your thoughts would assume them to be, and resonate a presence of selfconfidence, calm, and inner strength that others find appealing.

Using a mirror, look directly into the eyes of your own reflection, your target. Gaze in such a way that your own eyes do not move about to any other portion of the reflection. Hold your stare but do not strain.

As you conduct the exercise....

• Blink normally to prevent your eyes from becoming dry and irritated.

• Do not crease or frown or wrinkle your facial features in any way, but instead allow your facial muscles to be comfortably tension-free.

• Direct all effort of Will into your gaze alone, not turning or adjusting your head to aid holding your aim into the reflection of your own eyes.

• Do not engage in a ‘hard’ stare, but a calm, steady gaze that communicates strict, exclusive, singular interest as opposed to assertive or aggressive control.

• Breath deeply and evenly (maintaining a degree of conscious awareness necessary to monitor your breathing simultaneous to managing your gaze). In this way, when you take this skill out into the world and fearlessly look others in the eye, the connection will be one of friendly, trustworthy attention.

Remember beforehand that the manner in which you meet your own eyes will likely be the manner in which you meet the eyes of someone else. The key concept is “GENUINE INTEREST.”

• Do not participate or engage in self-talk, interactive inner dialogue. Should an inner voice arise, ignore it, detach from it, and direct all effort of Attention back onto your target.

If you must, do it over and over again no matter how persistent the temptation.

Begin with 15 minute sessions, and increase by 5 minute increments as you feel a stronger facility at executing it, with a maximum of 30 minutes as your limit.

Word by Word Reading - Attention Span Training Drill

Word by Word Reading - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Body-Oriented Warm-Up
• Sensory (Eye Control)

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Impulse Control
• Mental Endurance
• Mental Concentration

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up-Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• A Book, Uninteresting and Dull Topic
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock
• Privacy

Have a book handy of decent enough depth but of no particular interest to you, perhaps regarding some technical subject to which you are not quite familiar (the less fascinating to you, the better). Find a place and a time where you will not be disturbed.

Open the book and turn either to the opening paragraph, or if you have previously done this exercise, to the last place you left off.

You are to read the words and sentences, though when you do so, you will keep your eyes steady so that they do not scan or skim or skip any of the words in a rush to the end of a sentence.

Instead, you will target your vision so that it takes in one full word at a time, completely, and not move to the next word until the current word has been fully grasped and understood.

Dwell for a moment on each word as though it were the most important and incredible thing on earth, to where you can see each of the letters and their form and flow of their lines.

Let the experience of the word itself sink into your perception, and when you feel you’ve got it fully taken in, proceed to the next word, never allowing your vision to wander off the line until the time arrives to move to the line below.

If a thought comes in to distract you, immediately dismiss it and pull your Attention back to the task.

Although this method is a basic Attention Span Builder, it can also serve as a full-fledged Mental Concentration builder. Carry on with the exercise for whatever allotted time you have

Your initial sessions should start with perhaps with 5, 10, or 15 minute efforts, and work to increase your duration to 30 minutes. When you can get through 15 to 30 minutes without allowing your eyes or your mind to wander, you will notice a signicant difference in your ability to willfully concentrate your Awareness.

Word By Word Reading with Background Noise - Attention Span Training Drill

Word By Word Reading with Background Noise - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory (Eye Control)
• Intellectual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Impulse Control
• Mental Endurance
• Resolve
• Mental Concentration

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• A Book, Uninteresting
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock
• Environment Of Background Noise & Visual Distraction

This is an extension of Word by Word Reading Aloud (basic) mental exercise with a challenging twist that will give a powerful boost to your ability to Concentrate while simultaneously bolstering your RESOLVE, which is a precursor to a well-developed Willpower.

Have a book handy of decent enough depth but of no particular interest to you, perhaps regarding some technical subject to which you are not quite familiar (the less fascinating to you, the better). Find a place and a time WHERE YOU WILL BE BOTHERED BY CONSTANT NOISE AND VISUAL DISTRACTIONS, like an extremely busy restaurant, a bustling train station or airport, a loud coffee shop, or sidewalk café on a crowded street; or, just turn on both a television and a stereo to a distracting volume.

Ensure that any television or radio activity is something you like so that it serves as an even stronger distraction.

Open the book and turn either to the opening paragraph, or if you have previously done this exercise, to the last place you left off.

You are to read the words and sentences, though when you do so, you will keep your eyes steady so that they do not scan or skim or skip any of the words in a rush to the end of a sentence.

Instead, you will target your vision so that it takes in one full word at a time, completely, and not move to the next word until the current word has been fully grasped and understood. 

Dwell for a moment on each word as though it were the most important and incredible thing on earth, to where you can see each of the letters and their form and flow of their lines.

Let the experience of the word itself sink into your perception, and when you feel you’ve got it fully taken in, proceed to the next word, never allowing your vision to wander off the line until the time arrives to move to the line below.

If a thought comes in to distract you, immediately dismiss it and pull your Attention back to the task.

The physiological control of the eyes required here is scientifically supported as an effective brain-training approach. The technique actually activates more brain cells (causing more blood to be pumped into the brain) than even long mental calculations.

When combining that cognitive ‘SUPERCHARGER’ effect with the intense Attention Control demands of holding and directing Attention with careful precision along a target in defiance to competing background activity, you as a mental fitness trainee can have a workout that results in rapid improvement to both your Mental Concentration and Mental Focus.

Word By Word Reading With Metronome - Attention Span Training Drill

Word By Word Reading With Metronome

Exercise Category:

• Sensory (Auditory)
• Sensory (Eye Control)
• Intellectual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Impulse Control
• Mental Endurance
• Mental Concentration

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up-Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• A Book, Uninteresting
• A Metronome (a digital app software version is convenient and easily accessible for download)
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock with Alarm
• Privacy

This technique will require the use of a metronone. If you don't have one, you can quickly get access to an online metronome app by either going to Google search and typing METRONOME into the search bar, which pulls up Google's own app. You can even use an app-based metronome at websites like Feel free to use any safe app downloads for your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Set your Metronome timing to a comfortable pace at which you will read one word per metronome beat.

Consider a minimum speed of one beat per second or faster. With practice, you will be able to increase your speed while maintaining strict accuracy landing on each metronome count.

Have a book (real deal or digital) handy of decent enough depth but of no particular interest to you, perhaps regarding some technical subject to which you are not quite familiar (the less fascinating to you, the better).

Find a place and a time where you will not be disturbed. Open the book and turn either to the opening paragraph, or if you have previously done this exercise, to the last place you left off.

You are to read the words and sentences, though when you do so, you will keep your eyes steady so that they do not scan or skim or skip any of the words in a rush to the end of a sentence.

Instead, you will target your vision so that it takes in one full word at a time, keeping exact time with the beat of the metronome.

With each beat equating to one word, do not read any faster or slower than the pace of the metronome. Your Attention should be well immersed in the complexity of the task so that random thoughts do not interfere.

If you should somehow become distracted, immediately dismiss the fact and pull your Attention back to the task.

Start perhaps with 5, 10, or 15 minute sessions, and work to increase your effort to 30 minutes, at which time if you can get through 15 to 30 minutes without allowing your eyes, your listening, or your Mind to wander, you will have developed an effective level of control!

Word By Word Reading with Metronome and Background Noise

Word By Word Reading with Metronome and Background Noise
Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory (Eye Control)
• Sensory (Auditory)
• Intellectual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Impulse Control
• Mental Endurance
• Resolve
• Mental Concentration

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• A Book, Uninteresting
• A Metronome - free digital app versions are well-suited and convenient for anytime use
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock with Alarm
• Background Noise & Visual Distraction

This is an extension of the
Word-By-Word Reading With Metronome mental exercise, incorporating a challenging twist that will give a powerful boost to your ability to Concentrate while simultaneously bolstering your RESOLVE as well as your ability to willfully shut out distractions until they become merely muted background noise.

This technique will require the use of a metronone. If you don't have one, get one. You can even use an app software-based metronome for your computer, laptop, or smart phone. Do a web search for free online metronomes. For example, one site you can try is: or just Google 'METRONOME' to use the free browser metronome.

Set your Metronome timing to a comfortable pace at which you will read one word per metronome beat. Consider a minimum speed of one beat per second or faster. The better you become, the faster you may proceed.

Have a book handy of decent enough depth but of no particular interest to you, perhaps regarding some technical subject to which you are not quite familiar (the less fascinating to you, the better). Find a place and a time WHERE YOU WILL BE BOTHERED BY CONSTANT NOISE AND VISUAL DISTRACTIONS, like an extremely busy restaurant, a bustling train station or airport, a loud coffee shop, or sidewalk café on a crowded street; or, just turn on both a television and a stereo to a distracting volume. Ensure that any television or radio activity is something you like so that it serves as an even stronger distraction.

Open the book and turn either to the opening paragraph, or if you have previously done this exercise, to the last place you left off.

You are to read the words and sentences, though when you do so, you will keep your eyes steady so that they do not scan or skim or skip any of the words in a rush to the end of a sentence. Instead, you will target your vision so that it takes in one full word at a time, keeping exact time with the beat of the metronome.

With each beat equating to one word, do not read any faster or slower than the pace of the metronome. Your Attention should be well immersed in the dual-sensory complexity of the task so that random thoughts do not interfere. If you should somehow become distracted, immediately dismiss the fact and pull your Attention back to the task. Benchmarkyour times at 15, 20, and 30 minute training goals.

When you can execute a technique of this nature for upwards of 30 minutes without losing control of your Attention, you have definitely acquired a strong level of Attention Control Skill that can be used in any area of your life.

This is a very effective sensory-based Attention Span exercise that also builds powerful capacity for Mental Concentration. The physiological combination of eye control and listening skills required here is scientifically proven to be an awesome brain-training approach. The technique actually activates more brain cells (causing more blood to be pumped into the brain) than even long mental calculations.

When combining that cognitive ‘SUPERCHARGER’ effect with the intense Attention Control demands of holding and directing Attention with careful precision along a target in defiance to competing background activity, you can have a workout that results in rapid improvement to both your Mental Concentration and ability to engage in long-term Mental Focus.

Word by Word Writing - Attention Span Training Drill

Word by Word Writing - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Body-Oriented Warm-Up
• Sensory (Eye Control) & Hand Control

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Impulse Control
• Mental Endurance
• Mental Concentration
• Patience

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• A Book, Uninteresting or Dull
• Pencil Or Pen
• Paper To Write On
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock
• Privacy

Using a book of decent enough depth but of no particular interest to you, perhaps regarding some technical subject to which you are not quite familiar (the less fascinating to you, the better), prepare to copy some of its text by hand onto sheets of paper by pen or

Find a place and a time where you will not be disturbed.

Open the book and turn either to the opening paragraph, or if you have previously done this exercise, to the last place you left off.

Letter by letter, word by word, and paragraph by paragraph as each paragraph is structured in the book, copy the text material onto your sheet(s) of paper.

You are to do so with great slowness and care for each detail of each stroke of every letter, without attempting to mimic them perfectly, but to convey the general look of the alphabets being transcribed. Again, do so very slowly, so that you can feel the impulse to rush forward surge within you, and you can ignore it to narrow your Attention onto the task itself.

The exercise may test your patience and your endurance, but the rewards that come of it are the seed of everything you need to achieve your goals—this task shall become easier with each effort, so you must persist!

The longer you can work through the sessions, the better for you; 15, 30, 45 minutes—every duration interval that you surmount indicates how much mental power you are accumulating for application and use in other areas.

Basic Mirror Work - Impulse Control and Steadiness

Basic Mirror Work - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Kinesthetic

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Mental Resolve

Perceptual Focus:

• Close Up, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing & Controlling - Onto Object

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• A mirror

While there are no strict prerequisites to beginning this technique, you are encouraged to look over the “Body Stillness Relaxed” as well as the “Still, Like Water” method. If you have already practiced both, you will have an easier time with this one.

As you begin this method, know now that you may encounter some physical discomfort that, in truth, has ALWAYS been there, only having gone unnoticed by you up until this point. Do not allow any such thing to keep you from the task as your body will overcome that kind of resistance to change as your mental and physical endurance improve.

If you are to be truly in possession of yourself throughout the day, you must not allow your body to express unnecessary nervous tension in the form of fidgeting. Therefore, make it a point to keep your attention as best you can on YOURSELF so that you are not in the habit of fidgeting with your hands, tapping on something with your fingers, or absent-mindedly playing in your hair or with parts of clothing, such as buttons. Be wary that you are not doodling, tapping pens or pencils, or casually placing things in your mouth to chew on them (especially your fingernails).

There are those who have the habit of tapping the toe or heel of their feet rapidly, nervously even, as though there is a motor revving up inside them. This can sometimes signal serious impulsivity and difficulty maintaining a relaxed, poised, graceful, confident state of mind.

Another glaring indicator of pent up, poorly directed energy is "wolfing down" your food rather than taking your time to enjoy the flavor of each bite. Such is often the result of hidden anxiety that presses one to hurry even when there is no reason to do so. Note what habits come about as you are waiting in line or driving in rush hour - how easily we drift into mental slumber while our bodies begin strange, habitual dances of twitching, grinding of teeth, tapping of feet, drumming of fingertips, etc.

You may start by practice of standing before a mirror and, in a relaxed posture of deep breathing, hold your body in poised stillness, preventing any nervous movements, frowns, or an unsteady gaze.

As best you can, keep gaze directly into your eyes in your reflection. Do no have a 'hard look,' but one of gentle attention to a most important subject of study: YOURSELF! Begin in five minute increments, and build up to fifteen minute sessions without allowing your mind to wander, nor should you engage in self-chatter.

Seek calm.

By giving rapt attention to your own eyes while allowing relaxing breaths to release tension from your physiology, you should have more than enough mental work to occupy your mind so that you do not become distracted. What's more, the fact of not engaging in self-talk removes the habit of the types of ego-based self-judgement that occurs when we look in the mirror and begin describing ourselves to ourselves. You'll begin to perceive yourself from a different perspective; one of deeper, quiet insight born of higher levels of your brain's own natural intelligence.

This is a very powerful technique for developing confidence, poise, self-esteem, and open the door to greater self-knowledge. Further, the habit of direct attention will transfer to your dealing with others as you pay just as close attention to their presence. You'll find yourself more at ease with strangers and better able to handle yourself in social situations.

Concentrated Motion with Breathing - Impulse Control and Steadiness

Concentrated Motion with Breathing - Mindful Attention Familiarization

Exercise Category:

• Intuitive
• Sensory
• Mindful Familiarization

Areas Of Improvement:

• Body Awareness
• Mental/Self-Awareness
• Impulse Control
• Taking Conscious Action In The Psychological Present
• Acting From A Quiet Mindset Free From Inner Conflict

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up & Panoramic

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing, Onto Body

Application Level:

• Task Concentration
• Self Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Stopwatch or Timer to alert you to end of session
• Note paper or Journal with pen or pencil to take notes with

Training Your Awareness: Perceiving & Controlling Body - Did you know that the majority of human beings have little to no practiced ability at simply crossing a room without losing connection with the fact that they are doing so? Most people go about their day in a form of mental hypnosis wherein all they do, all day long, is THINK.

They THINK their way through everything. They can't even sit quietly on a beach to watch a delightful, cosmically gifted sunset without BABBLING to themselves about it and what it means for them and how pretty it is and wanting to tell somebody about it.

They roll out of bed, groom, dress, feed, commute, conduct business affairs, and collapse exhaustedly into bed without ever once doing so OUTSIDE of the influence of the ceaseless stream of 'driving, compelling' mental content. They do not operate by will, but by mechanical routine. 

Anything that intereferes with the mechanical mental life is upsetting and causes negative, frightful reactions as their brains attempt to cope with what seems to them disturbing (non-mechanical) events that force disconnect from the 'FEED' the rules over them.

They can't look at a beautiful field of flowers without becomeing lost in their thoughts and memories and hopes and dreams and desire to possess this or that or share the moment with whomever.

There is a very good chance that YOU have, through sheer accident of birth, fallen into that majority.

Here, you can begin to wake up from the years-long delusion and live independently of the biological laziness that's doing all your living FOR you.

BEFORE YOU START: Reference (and perform) the Awareness-testing task contained in the 
Concentrated Breathing With Body Awareness exercise located in the Mindfulness Training Drills Section. You can perform this without it, but the more you know...the more you know. Y'know? Here we go...

Your Attention Span can be wonderfully strengthened by learning how to do simple things without mistakenly surrendering your Attention to the body's automating processes.

When you have full perception of your body, your next task is to move slowly around the room with your eyes open and your hands extended slightly out from your sides with palms facing down.

When you walk, very slowly, make certain that you perceive everything about your body and are maintaining control of your breathing so that no distractions are permitted to corrupt the pure experience of taking an action from a quiet mental state. 

Use any pattern of moving around the room you wish, whether walking in a square, forming a figure eight, or simply going back and forth in a straight line, turning and going back the other way repeatedly.

You are to know, fully, every move that you make, and each step is a step taken with intense knowledge that you are engaging in the act—no getting caught up in any thoughts or engaging in mental chatter with yourself.

Reject those distractions and remain in the perceptual window of The Present, of ‘NOW’ (Psychological Present Moment)!!! 

Continually redirect your Attention by remaining Aware of what you are doing. The mere act of refusing to allow yourself to participate in any thought, favoring instead to remain interested only in the task - only in the experience of your body, in its motion - serves as a ‘leash’ that anchors your Attention and pulls it back to task.

Initially, you may be able to make it one revolution of your movement pattern, then a few more without becoming wrapped up and carried away by some mental interference. Your goal is to move free from distraction for 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes.

For a healthy challenge after you have familiarized yourself with the technique, find a nice park or walking path and practice traveling the longer distance in the same unified mindset of silent, objective action. Now you are learning something deeply important that points the way to a totally Unified Mindset wherein your Will can operate without discord and distraction from the mechanically conditioned parts of your Mind!

Basic Mental Countdown - Attention Span Training Drill

Basic Mental Countdown - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:


Areas Of Improvement:

• Creative Visualization
• Visual Working Memory
• Thought Control
• Attention Control
(For Endurance, See Advanced version of the exercise)

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-up
• Onto Self

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direct Onto Thought
• Thought Formation
• Thought Manipulation

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Privacy
• Training Tracker or paper to write on
• Pen or pencil

You must learn to hold your mind steady onto one objective in the short term so that you will be practiced enough to maintain target on a larger objective over the long term without wandering off course.

There is nothing abnormal about the fact that thoughts fade, shift, are disrupted and displaced constantly by competing thoughts, impulses, influences, and desires. When you choose a significant thing to accomplish, your
good idea is at the mercy of such chaotic mental habits.

Because you have chosen to live an above-average life, it is necessary that your mind also operate on that same, unique level; therefore, you must make the necessary effort to train it so that it can do something it has not
thus far been taught to do:

To dismiss everything that pulls at it and to stay put on the one thing that matters most, no matter what rises up to distract you.

Fortunately, acquiring effective Mental Concentration skills is a simple process, although it does involve a serious personal commitment of regular practice at strategic mental exercises that strengthen your Mental Concentration muscle. This commitment, naturally, results in your acquiring that powerful mental habit which you need to replace any chaotic habits you have now.

Gently close your eyes and take one slow, deep breath, bringing your Attention to bear on the task at hand, and
concern yourself with nothing else.

In your imagination, form the number 100 so that you can see it clearly in your thought.

Hold it for a few moments; then, mentally erase that number and replace it with the number 99 and hold it for a few moments. Then, mentally erase that number and replace it with the number 98, and so on until you have counted down to zero.

If at any time during the exercise your mind begins to wander onto some thought and you ‘lose control’ of your attention (you’ll know because, most likely, you will simply forget what you are supposed to be doing), or if you start chattering with yourself through ‘internal dialogue’, or if something distracts you enough to interfere with the exercise, stop and begin it again.

When you have completed it, note how long the effort took and what kinds of distractions, if any, caused you to go off track.

Attention Span Builder #1 - Attention Span Training Drill

Attention Span Builder #1 - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Memory
• Working Memory

Perceptual Focus:

• Close Up transitioning to Panoramic, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Pen/Pencil & Paper to write on

“Attention Span” usually focuses on how long you can sustain Attention to a target, but it is also a measure of how much you can attend to. In other words, the WIDTH, SCALE, and SCOPE of your conscious, mindful, comprehension of the world around you (and WITHIN you - your thoughts, emotions, and impulses).

Your Attention Span is closely tied to your Consciousness. What you are aware of in any moment (as you perceive the world around you and your own physical (and psychological) state) can be EXPANDED, in much the same way as the circular spotlight of a search beam shining upon a surface can be broadened and enlarged by moving the source away from the surface so that more of the surface itself can be illuminated by the widening beam.

Interestingly, the conscious nature of your Attention Span can be compared to a spotlight shining onto a surface. Everything illuminated within the sphere of the circle is consciously perceived; that is, you KNOW you are noticing it. Those objects and activities outside the sphere of the beam’s circle (in the darkness) is either ‘Subconscious’ or ‘Preconscious’; that is, you are NOT aware of it.

The size of your ‘spotlight’ is NOT FIXED! You have the ability to expand it, and thereby, expand your experience of life itself. You can perceive more, understand more, possess deeper insight, see solutions that evade more limited minds, and avoid problems that commonly assault other people due to their having habitually restricted attention (‘narrowed’ perception and confined consciousness).

Comfortably hold open your eyelids without strain so as to visually perceive as much as your environment as possible without being ‘bug-eyed’. Your gaze should be directed straight out in front of you, with every ounce of your attention rallied to effectively carry out the technique. Without turning your eyes even a hair’s breadth, try to observe all objects in the field of your vision within fifteen seconds, using either a timer, or just count the fifteen seconds slowly to yourself. If you use the timer, your cognitive resources will be freed up to concern themselves strictly with the exercise, whereas slow counting will divide your effort, somewhat as you try to remember your count simultaneous with expanding your notice of objects in your field of vision.

When your time is up, turn your attention away and write out the names of all objects you recall, leaning on your memory alone and not your knowledge. Repeat several times in a training session.

For ten days or so, execute this technique in the same place, facing the same direction, taking up the same position. Note your improvement as you are able to expand your attention, your perception, and your ability to be aware of more objects within the expanding scope of the spotlight of your Consciousness.

When practical, boost your mental power with every opportunity throughout your day (from here on out) through the practice of applying this technique to take in more and more of your environment at home, on the job, in recreational settings, etc.

Attention Span Builder #2 - Attention Span Training Drill

Attention Span Builder #2 - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Memory

Perceptual Focus:

• Close Up transitioning to Panoramic, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Timer, clock, or watch with alarm

Prior to beginning this technique, refer to (and become proficient at) its prerequisite
“Attention Span Builder #1”. When you have made reasonable progress, then proceed with this method.

Unlike the previous exercise, you must use a timer with an alarm to notify you when time is up.

Conduct this exercise as you did its prerequisite “Attention Span Builder #1,” only you are to carry it out first facing either north, south, east, or west; and upon completion of five minutes worth of effort, change position to the next direction, then the next, then the next, each with at least five minutes of attention. Upon completion of the technique, you should have given five minutes of effort north, five minutes east, five minutes south, and five minutes west, in any order you wish.

Make sure to remain relaxed with deep, even breathing during the exercise session. Whereas the
previous approach used brief time periods, this one tests your mental endurance in such a way that you will need to tap deeply into your resolve in order to hold and direct your attention.

This exertion often causes one to begin tensing up. Your awareness is flexible enough to allow you to simultaneously monitor the general feel of your body as you expand your awareness of your external world. Deepen your breathing and purposefully relax your musculature when you feel tension start to settle in.

Because of the extended nature of this technique, allow no thoughts to sweep away your attention. Continually remember your task and immerse yourself totally into it.

You may find your perceptions beginning to sharpen and grow in clarity by this point in your training. Such is normal to any human being who takes the time to train their sensory attention.

Attention Span Builder #3 - Attention Span Training Drill

Attention Span Builder #3 - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Mental Endurance
• Mental Flexibility
• Mental Strength

Perceptual Focus:

• Close Up transitioning to Panoramic, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Timer, clock, or watch with alarm

This is an ADVANCED LEVEL CHALLENGE and should only be attempted after you have become proficient at its prerequisite, the
“Attention Span Builder #2.” When you have made reasonable progress, then proceed with this method if you want to enhance your mental strength in such a way that you occupy tiers of mental power enjoyed by only a fraction of the human race.

Use a timer with an alarm to notify you when time is up for each portion of the method.

Conduct this exercise as you did its prerequisite “Attention Span Builder #2," doing it facing either north, south, east, or west; and upon completion of FIFTEEN MINUTES worth of effort, take a FIVE MINUTE BREAK. Then, change position to the next direction, then the next, then the next, each with FIFTEEN MINUTES of attention and a five minute break afterward. Upon completion of the technique, you should have given fifteen minutes of effort north, fifteen minutes east, fifteen minutes south, and fifteen minutes west, in any order you wish.

Make sure to remain relaxed with deep, even breathing during the exercise session. This technique tests your mental endurance in such a way that you will need to tap deeply into your resolve in order to hold and direct your attention.

This exertion often causes one to begin tensing up. Your awareness is flexible enough to allow you to simultaneously monitor the general feel of your body as you expand your awareness of your external world. Deepen your breathing and purposefully relax your musculature when you feel tension start to settle in.

Because of the extended nature of this technique, allow no thoughts to sweep away your attention. Continually remember your task and immerse yourself totally into it.

You may find your perceptions beginning to sharpen and grow in clarity by this point in your training. Such is normal to any human being who takes the time to train their sensory attention.

Reading Aloud, Basic - Attention Span Training Drill

Reading Aloud, Basic - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Intellectual
• Sensory (Eye Control)

Areas Of Improvement:

• Attention Control
• Mental Concentration

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding, Onto Object

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Reading Material
• Timekeeping Device with Alarm

For ten to fifteen minutes, read aloud from a book or magazine, keeping full Attention on the content, enabling good recall of important points.

Properly carried out, you’ll discover that your perceptions narrows in such a way that all other sensory stimuli fades into a muted background as your only concern is the text being read and the sound of your voice. When you are able to maintain single-minded, uncorrupted Mental Concentration for the entire session past the 20 minute mark and approaching 30 minutes, know that you are making great progress in attaining strong Concentrative power. Apply this new level of skill to daily activities to further your practice.

Reading aloud is a very effective Intellectual Category exercise that also qualifies under Attention Control Training. Additionally, the physiological control of the eyes required here is scientifically proven to be an awesome brain-training approach.

The technique actually activates more brain cells (causing more blood to be pumped into the brain) than even long mental calculations.

Read Aloud with Background Noise - Attention Span Training Drill

Reading Aloud with Background Noise - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Intellectual
• Sensory (Eye Control)

Areas Of Improvement:

• Resolve
• Attention Control
• Mental Concentration

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding, Onto Object

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Reading Material
• Loud Distraction (Radio, Television, etc. For Background Noise)
• Timekeeping Device with Alarm

Read Aloud with Background Noise for ten to fifteen minutes, read aloud from a book or magazine, keeping full Attention on the content, enabling good recall of important points. As you read out loud, have either a radio, television, or recording of some sort of talk such as a news show or audio book playing at high volume in the background so as to be disturbing to Mental Concentration, but not so loud that it offends others. When you are able to maintain single-minded, uncorrupted Mental Concentration for the entire session, know that you are making great progress in attaining strong Concentrative power.

Apply this new level of skill to daily activities to further your practice.

Reading aloud is a very effective form of intellectual brain exercise for Attention Control Training toward a strong Attention Span.

Additionally, the physiological control of the eyes required here is scientifically proven to be an awesome brain-training approach. The technique actually activates more brain cells (causing more blood to be pumped into the brain) than even long mental calculations.

When combining that cognitive ‘SUPERCHARGER’ effect with the intense Attention Control demands of holding and directing Attention with careful precision along a target in defiance to competing background activity, you as a mental fitness trainee can have a workout that results in rapid improvement to both your Mental Concentration and Mental Focus.

Read Aloud with Metronome - Attention Training Practice Drill

Read Aloud with Metronome - Attention Training Practice Drill

Exercise Category:

• Intellectual
• Sensory (Eye Control)
• Sensory (Auditory)

Areas Of Improvement:

• Resolve
• Attention Control
• Mental Concentration

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding, Onto Object

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Reading Material
• A Metronome (even a digital software version)
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock with Alarm

This technique will require the use of a metronone. If you don't have one, get one.

You can even use a software-based metronome for your computer. Do a web search for free online metronomes (for example, one site you can try is: and download a safe software application to your computer. Set your Metronome timing to a comfortable pace at which you will read one word ALOUD per metronome beat. Consider a minimum speed of one beat per second or faster. The better you become, the faster you may proceed.

For ten to fifteen minutes, read ALOUD from a book or magazine, keeping full Attention on the content, enabling good recall of important points, ALL TO THE EXACT RHYTHM AND BEAT OF THE METRONOME. Properly carried out, you’ll discover that your perceptions narrows in such a way that all other sensory stimuli fades into a muted background as your only concern is the text being read and the sound of your voice AND accurately matching the pace of the metronome.

With each beat equating to one word, do not read any faster or slower than the pace of the metronome. Your Attention should be well immersed in the complexity of the task so that random thoughts do not interfere. If you should somehow become distracted, immediately dismiss the fact and pull your Attention back to the task. When you are able to maintain single-minded, uncorrupted Mental Concentration for the entire session past the 20 minute
mark and approaching 30 minutes, know that you are making great progress in attaining strong Concentrative power.

Apply this new level of skill to daily activities to further your practice.

Reading aloud is a very effective Intellectual Category exercise that also qualifies under Attention Control Training. Additionally, the physiological control of the eyes (as well as your listening skills) required here is scientifically proven to be an awesome brain-training approach. The technique actually activates more brain cells (causing more blood to be pumped into the brain) than even long mental calculations.

Read Aloud with Metronome & Background Noise - Attention Span Training Drill

Read Aloud with Metronome & Background Noise - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Intellectual
• Sensory (Eye Control)
• Sensory (Auditory)

Areas Of Improvement:

• Resolve
• Attention Control
• Mental Concentration

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Object

Exertion Type:

• Attention Direction
• Attention Holding, Onto Object

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Reading Material
• A Metronome (even a digital software version)
• Timer, Watch, Or Clock with Alarm

This technique is an extension of the Read Aloud With Metronome exercise and, of course, will require the use of a metronome. If you don't have one, get one. You can even use a software-based metronome for your computer. Do a web search for free online metronomes (for example, one site you can try is: and download a safe software application to your computer. This technique incorporates a challenging twist that will give a powerful boost to your ability to Concentrate while simultaneously bolstering your RESOLVE as well as your ability to willfully shut out distractions until they become merely muted background noise.

Have a book handy of decent enough depth but of no particular interest to you, perhaps regarding some technical subject to which you are not quite familiar (the less fascinating to you, the better). Find a place and a time WHERE YOU WILL BE BOTHERED BY CONSTANT NOISE AND VISUAL DISTRACTIONS, like an extremely busy restaurant, a bustling train station or airport, a loud coffee shop, or sidewalk café on a crowded street; or, just turn on both a television and a stereo to a distracting volume. Ensure that any television or radio activity is something you like so that it serves as an even stronger distraction.

Set your Metronome timing to a comfortable pace at which you will read one word ALOUD per metronome beat. Consider a minimum speed of one beat per second or faster. The better you become, the faster you may proceed.

For ten to fifteen minutes, read ALOUD from a book or magazine, keeping full Attention on the content, enabling good recall of important points, ALL TO THE EXACT RHYTHM AND BEAT OF THE METRONOME in defiance of the noisy environment! Properly carried out, you’ll discover that your perceptions narrows in such a way that all other sensory stimuli fades into a muted background as your only concern is the text being read and the sound of your voice AND accurately matching the pace of the metronome. With each beat equating to one word, do not read any faster or slower than the pace of the metronome.

Your Attention should be well immersed in the complexity of the task so that random thoughts do not interfere. If you should somehow become distracted, immediately dismiss the fact and pull your Attention back to the task. There is an added power-building factor wherein you ignore any self-conscious concerns over what others may be thinking about what you are doing. What they may be thinking isn’t your concern. Stay focused!

When you are able to maintain single-minded, uncorrupted Mental Concentration for the entire session past the 20 minute mark and approaching 30 minutes, know that you are making great progress in attaining strong Concentrative power. Apply this new level of skill to daily activities to further your practice.

Reading aloud is a very effective intellectual exercise that also qualifies under Attention Control Training. Additionally, the physiological control of the eyes (as well as your listening skills) required here is scientifically proven to be an awesome brain-training approach. The technique actually activates more brain cells (causing more blood to be pumped into the brain) than even long mental calculations.

Basic Sound Form & Hold - Attention Span Training Drill

Basic Sound Form & Hold - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory

Areas Of Improvement:

• Creative Sensory Imagination
• Audio-Spatial Working Memory
• Attention Control
• Mental Endurance

Perceptual Focus:

• Close-Up, Onto Self

Exertion Type:

• Sensory Recall
• Attention Holding

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Training tracker or paper to write on
• Pen or pencil
• Timer or watch with second-hand to track time
• Privacy

Human beings possess the ability to mentally recreate the experience of the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell). When you as a trainee do mental exercises that involve sensory experience, it strengthens distinct areas of your brain associated with specific each specific sense. Incredibly, when VIVIDLY IMAGINING that you are using a particular sense, it STILL activates those same brain areas. In this way, when you engage in a brain training technique that requires you to create the experience of sound in your mind, you can strengthen not only the forward areas of your brain credited as being responsible for your power of ‘Self-Mastery’, but you augment those areas connected to the sensory faculty being used in the exercise.

Imagine any sound such as a musical note or a gently ringing bell, and hold it, without a visual image attached. Just close your eyes and bring the sound into your Mind and hold it there. If the sound is short like the tap of a shoe, repeat it over and over again at the same tone, pitch, and rate. The thing is to not let go of the sound effect in your head. Time yourself to see how long you can do so before the integrity of the sound changes, or you forget because a thought has intruded, or your Attention is pulled away to some other influence. Continue the practice on a daily basis until you have at least quadrupled your time.

Creating a sound in your Mind and holding requires you use intellectual power to activate auditory areas of the brain, building concentration and volition control by willing the created sound to remain on the stage of consciousness for measured periods of time while dismissing all distraction.

Visual Working Recall #1 - Attention Span Training Drill

Visual Working Recall #1 - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Memory
• Working Memory

Perceptual Focus:

• Close Up, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Marbles in three colors per instructions
• Pen/Pencil & Paper to write on

Your “Visual Working Memory” allows you to temporarily hold visually perceived information in short term memory for the purpose of quick recall and for other practical uses such as creative problem solving. The more visual information you can hold for quick access - and the LONGER you can maintain it so that it does not naturally fade away or become replaced by incoming stimuli - the more powerful your mental abilities in all areas.

According to Neuroscience, each of us has a set limit of cognitive spaces in which bits of visual (and other sensory) information can be placed for holding on the stage of your mind’s attention. Yet, we have the ability to “stack and chunk” more information on top of that occupying those limited slots, allowing us to combine far more data than we otherwise could. Taking advantage of this brain function through training makes it possible, as an example, for a person to memorize hundreds of faces in a single day to match them with their respective names. Without the neurobiological ability to stack and combine visual, auditory, and other perceptual data, we would be very limited in our ability to learn and evolve as human beings.

Now, begin to train your Visual Working Memory to be able to take notice of and hold in memory increasing amounts of information provided by your visual sense , this for practical use in daily problem solving and creative activities.

Acquire thirty or more regular-sized marbles. Ensure that the set is comprised of three different colors, so that, for instance, if you have forty five marbles, then fifteen are red, fifteen are yellow, and fifteen are green. As long as the colors are evenly divided among the total number of marbles, you may choose whatever three colors appeal to you. Place all marbles in an open box and shake the box around until they are well mixed. Grab a good-sized handful of marbles in both your right and left hand at once, and let the marbles roll out together onto a covered surface, such as a table or the floor. When they are at rest, glance once at the lot, and, turning away, write the number, as you recall (do not guess) for each color.

Continue training with this exercise with the objective of easily determining the numbers to at least 90% accuracy.

Visual Working Recall #2 - Attention Span Training Drill

Visual Working Recall #2 - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Memory
• Working Memory

Perceptual Focus:

• Close Up, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Pieces of cardboard per instructions
• Pen/Pencil & Paper to write on

Continue to train your Visual Working Memory to be able to take notice of and hold in memory increasing amounts of information provided by your visual sense , this for practical use in daily problem solving and creative activities.

Acquire fifty-two pieces of cardboard cut two inches square (2” x 2”), with each having one letter of the alphabet clearly legible and of a good size for easy recognition. Lettering should generally be A through Z (a total of 26 letters) - or adjust both the cardboard count and alphabet according to your own country if you do not use the Western Alphabet. If using A through Z, then in a set of fifty-two pieces of cardboard there will be two pieces of cardboard with the letter A, two with the letter B, two with the letter C, etc.

Place them all, scattered, letters down, upon a table. Take in one hand ten of the these squares, face down, and throw, face up, all at once, but so as to separate them, upon the table. Now, look at them sharply one instant. Then turn away, and write down the letters recalled. Immediately repeat with ten other cards, then again with ten more, continuing until you run out of pieces.

Continue training with this exercise with the objective of easily determining the numbers to at least 100% accuracy, able to recount all ten alphabetized pieces without error. When you reach the objective, increase your challenge by adding an additional set of alphabetized cardboard pieces so that there are three sets of each letter in the alphabet. When you conduct the technique at that time, take FIFTEEN pieces at a time in one hand and carry out the exercise.

Visual Working Recall #3 - Attention Span Training Drill

Visual Working Recall #3 - Attention Span Training Drill

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Memory
• Working Memory
• Intuitive Development

Perceptual Focus:

• Panoramic, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Pen/Pencil & Paper to write on

So much of our day is spent ignoring much of our environment as we move about. The mental habits that make it so also ensure that we similarly overlook and miss out on useful details and facts about the PEOPLE we interact with; very practical details and facts that would rescue us from many problems in social, business, and romantic relationships with other human beings.

Although your brain is so arranged as to naturally filter out irrelevant information to keep you from becoming overwhelmed by sensory stimuli, that cognitive filter has little to do with the fact that most of us habitually blind ourselves to the common details that would otherwise be experienced as vivid wonders of intuitive insightfulness were we to keep our Sensory Attention “with us” from moment to moment.

By training yourself AGAINST the tendency to walk around in a state of mental slumber - instead remaining quietly, and mindfully alert to the information being provided by your senses (about your environment and the people around you) - you will begin to experience your world in a very unique way that opens the door to extraordinary, intuitive wisdom.

Choose a room, well-occupied with furnishings and knick-knacks and various items. Open the door, enter, and pass through the space at a medium pace with your visual sense ready to quickly and attentively observe as many objects and details about the room as you are able in the brief time availalbe to you while in it. Close the door behind you as you exit. Take a moment to write down the names of all objects and articles that you remember having seen in the room, leaning strictly on your memory of events and NOT your knowledge.

Finally, go back into the room and determine the number of objects that you failed to account for. If you can, estimate the percentage of your shortfall. For instance, if you think perhaps you remembered less than half the objects, put down a figure somewhere under 50%.

Continue this practice with various rooms and spaces in numerous locations until you are confident that you are able to consistently perceive, capture, and remember at least 75% of what is in the place. As the weeks go by, challenge yourself by setting the bar to 80%, or even 90%.

Visual Working Recall #4 Basic, Intermediate, & Advanced

Visual Working Recall #4 Basic, Intermediate, & Advanced

Exercise Category:

• Sensory - Visual

Areas Of Improvement:

• Targeting Attention
• Attention Control
• Memory
• Working Memory
• Intuitive Development

Perceptual Focus:

• Panoramic, External

Exertion Type:

• Attention Directing

Application Level:

• Task Concentration

What You’ll Need:

• Pen/Pencil & Paper to write on

Conduct this technique outside of the residence where you live or office or business setting where you normally work, finding target objects in your environment that are not part of your usual daily routine.

Blinking normally as you might need to, and breathing deeply in a relaxed fashion, gaze steadily at an object between ten and fifty feet away, one large enough so that you do not have to strain to see it and its details. After a steady, unwavering observation of one minute, momentarily close your eyes and make an effort to call up as vivid a mental image of the target as you can. Take no more than one minute to carry out this portion of the exercise.

Call on your resolve so that you do not give up easily, as your mind may try to distract you with other concerns or your attention may attempt to wander. Hold your effort on recalling your target in rich detail, without having to take a second look at it. When you are genuinely satisfied that you have reconstructed as clear a mental rendering as you can, then mentally clear away the image so that your mind is once again a blank slate, and open your eyes.

Quickly find another object and repeat. Do this with five consecutive objects, total. The technique should take about ten minutes in all.

Repeat daily for about 30 days before moving on to the next level of difficulty. If you choose to do it TWICE a day, do so for 15 days and then move to the next level of difficulty.


Conduct the exercise as before, only now choose TEN target objects, with the training session lasting about 20 minutes, total.


Conduct the exercise as before, only now choose FIFTEEN target objects, with the training session lasting about 30 minutes, total.

With either Intermediate or Advanced difficulty levels, do them for 30 days, or longer if you enjoy the results you achieve with the technique.

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