Mental concentration training is something most look at as hard and painful. That does not have to be the case. Mental concentration training does not require excessive force to train. Like training the physical body, if you haven’t done it in a while, it can be torturous. But, as you continue training, what was difficult becomes more effortless. Just like working out in the gym, your muscles get more and more tired after each set. Concentration training works in the same way; as you train longer, your brain will begin to get tired.

In a few weeks, you will begin to see results as your ability to concentrate improves. Your concentration will improve in direct proportion to how well and how often you do the exercises. You may only be interested in improving your concentration to a certain degree. You may only be interested in improving your concentration to improve your mind and work more efficiently. The more persistently you train, the more resistance you are going to encounter from the unruly mind.

For adults that train their concentration, it is a lifestyle. To not disrupt daily life, you can spread the exercises out over a more extended time. For beginners, train two or three times per day in small sessions. There is no standard of time to prepare the key is to be consistent. 15 to 30 minutes a day is usually a constant number to maintain for most beginners. The point is to make this discipline a daily habit since it is going to improve your life.

Schedule consistent times of the day to conduct your training sessions. Set aside some personal time where you can be alone. Breathing concentration is one of the most fundamental brain training exercises you can do for long term mental concentration improvement. Using this method, you will use your physical body, thoughts, and impulses to increase your awareness level. There are many opportunities throughout the day to apply this exercise.
When your attention wanders during the day, you use your breathing to redirect it. Then you can shift back to your target with heightened clarity. One significant benefit of this technique is that you can use your breathing to control the mind when it begins to wander, no matter what you may be doing.
Sit in a chair or any comfortable position you prefer. Close your eyes slightly and relax the physical body. Release all bodily tension. Set a timer or a stopwatch for the determined time frame. Begin to take deep full diaphragmatic breaths consistently. Keep the attention 100% focused on your breathing in and out. When the mind begins to wander, bring it back to simply breathing in and out. This exercise is simplicity itself. With practice, you can do this exercise throughout your daily activities.
Another tremendous mental concentration exercise is called the clock drill. For this technique, you will need a clock or watch with a second hand. Perform this exercise where you will be alone and undisturbed. Take a deep breath and relax the body. Give the practice your full attention. Look at the second hand of your watch or clock, fixing your sight attentively and exclusively on the tip of the line moving around the dial. Do not think of anything else; dispassionately watch the end of the hand steadily and incessantly revolving.

Do not look at or think about the watch itself or the figures passed over by the hand. At this moment, you have no interest in the form, color, or make. You have no interest in any other components. Your only interest is the part you are watching. Your eyes dare not be distracted by anything. Nothing in the world exists for you now except that moving line. Mental verbalization of words must cease during this time. First, note precisely by the same second hand the time when you began to follow its movements. Then check the moment when your rebellious mind was distracted and forced you to forget to watch, and instead substituted a thought, word, or some other kind of mental distraction.

A guiding principle stated by a great teacher said everything you do is an opportunity to train by bringing attention to center stage to illuminate the situation and yourself.

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