Attention Span Training - Improving Your Attention, Concentration, Focus, & Mindfulness
Serving Northwest Florida from Pensacola to Panama City & Surrounding Areas

Resources for Training Your Attention Span.

June 06, 2023 - This page is still under construction. Check back late-June for finished page. 

About Attention Span Training Drills & Attention Span Mental Exercises

Mental exercises are effective in improving attention span by challenging the brain to focus and concentrate on specific tasks in unique and challenging ways.

This process helps strengthen, lengthen, and multiply connections between existing brain cells while also cultivaing the creation of new brain cells in a process called Neurogenesis.

Why You Should Train Your Attention Span.

Consistent practice of unique, challenging mental effort can include activities such as:

How to Use Training Drills in Boosting the Span of Your Attention.

Attention is not just about being able to focus without distraction, but requires effective management of different attentional elements, which can be strengthened with purposeful exercise, rest, and recovery. Strengthening attention is comparable to strengthening physical muscles, and mental exercises can help achieve this. For this purpose, we are providing you a boatload of unique, neurogenesis-enhancing practice techniques as follows:

Build Your Attention Training Routine

As with any habit, there are some basic rules you can follow to help make sure you can train with consistency to maximize both the speed and momentum of your progress. This brings to mind a wise instruction taught by Earl Nightgale and Brian Tracy, which is the value of doing a little each day to improve a particular skill. Over time, the sheer mass of knowledge you accumulate by concentrating on that skill can put you among the world's experts. 

We must all start somewhere, though, and the smallest, easiest steps are the best way for you to start your new Attention Span Training lifestyle.

  • Start small and build up gradually. Begin with just a few minutes a day and gradually increase the duration over time.
  • Prioritize your practice and make it a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.
  • Find mental exercise training drills that resonate with you and that you enjoy.
  • Break it up, though, with techniques that you don't particularly care for so that you challenge yourself more.
  • Create a designated space for your practice that is quiet and free from distractions.
  • Use a tracking method to monitor and celebrate your progress.
  • Try different times of the day to meditate and find what works best for you.
  • If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up. Just get back on track the next day.
  • Join a group or community of meditators for support and accountability.
  • Experiment with different techniques and teachers to keep your practice fresh and interesting.
  • Remember that meditation is a journey and that it's normal to have ups and downs along the way. Stick with it, and you will reap the benefits.

Track Your Attention Span Growth and Performance.

As you do your daily mental exercise training, you can find motivation and quicken your progress by tracking your productivity, efficiency, and gains.

Tracking can be done by hand using paper and pencil or pen in a notebook, using a writing pad.

Additionally, you can monitor your progress by keeping a journal of your daily mental exercises, noting any changes in your memory, concentration, and focus.

You can also do it digitally using a tracking app, goals, app, or habit-building software.

You can also set goals and measure your progress towards them by tracking the time it takes to complete certain exercises or tasks.

Some excellent elements of training to pay attention may include:

  • Date of the training session
  • Time of the training session
  • Duration of the training session (expected, or adjusted afterward)
  • Name of the Mental Exercise, Drill, Method, or Task
  • Duration of effort in each instant or repetition
  • Note any difficulties and any ideas on approaching them in the next session
  • Note any good news that you perceive
  • Note any helpful personal observations about the experience

    Remember to stay consistent with your mental exercises and track your progress regularly to see improvements over time.

Get Started Training Your Attention Span Today!

Strengthening attention is comparable to strengthening physical muscles, and mental exercises can help achieve this. For this purpose, we are providing you a boatload of unique, Neurogenesis-enhancing practices techniques as follows:

Attention is the Key to a Better Attitude and Sweeter Life Experience

ATTENTION ALLOWS YOU TO TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR ATTITUDE – SEEING THE TRUTH IS THE FIRST STEP TO SELF-MASTERY.One of the profoundly practical and profitable benefits of this type of training is that it teaches you to continually, ceaselessly MONITOR YOURSELF. In that habit, interior activity typically hidden from your notice is quickly exposed to your

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A Mental Exercise for Attention, Concentration & Focus

Take The Limits off Your Attention Span Using Your Breath to Pull Out of Distraction!”If I have forgotten breath, I have forgotten Attention, and thus I have forgotten EVERYTHING I need to remember!”Here’s a very simple mental exercise (from a podcast audio) that can not only reveal how good you are at focusing on a

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Mindfulness Helps Christians Defeat Temptation of Sin

Using Present Moment Attention to Disconnect From Temptation Before Sin Blossoms:1 Corinthians 10:13″No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can

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The End of Personal Development: Now!

The Ultimate Goal in Mindfulness Training is an End to Personal Development because Clear Mental Focus is a Self-Perfecting Lifestyle.In Mindfulness training, if done effectively, once the present moment and its value are understood, personal development training is no longer needed.  The present moment is the ultimate finish line for anything within you that sees the

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Attention Span Training – How To Overcome Mental Resistance!

Mental Resistance is What Causes You to Not Want to Do Something.How to Defeat the Repelling Emotional Resistance that Distracts You from Doing What’s Right for Your Personal Success and Richer Life Experience.When you aren’t ‘in the mood’ and don’t want to do what you know you must, it is not ‘YOU’ who is procrastinating.

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Despair is Doomed by Daily Mindful Attention Practice.

“The cure for the pain is in the pain.” – RumiDisciplined, Mindful Awareness Serves as a Powerful Self-Therapy and Self-Healing Lifestyle.When Rumi taught, “The cure for pain is in the pain,” he’s talking about using our Awareness, and concentrating our Attention to watch quietly and objectively, without interference, the rise and fall of emotional-laced mental

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