Attention Span Training - Improving Your Attention, Concentration, Focus, & Mindfulness
Serving Northwest Florida from Pensacola to Panama City & Surrounding Areas

Practice Drills for Training Your Mindfulness Skills.

June 06, 2023 - This page is still under construction. Check back late-June for finished page. 

Mindfulness Training Drills & Mental Exercises for Better Mindfulness.

What is Mindfulness as Applied to Training for a Better Attention Span?

Mindfulness is knowing what you are doing, while you're doing it, without allowing yourself to be distracted by any ongoing mental activity, nor any internal reactions to anything going on around or within your. Mindfulness is simply being ever more aware of that fact that you can always remain aware, whatever task you're involved with in defiance of environmental or internal influences upon your central nervous system. It is knowing that you know that you know what you're doing, thinking, and feeling - monitoring it, and by virtue of that, managing it all.

For this training, Mindfulness Drills are for two specific purposes: 

  1. To expose ALL SOURCES of distraction and their effect upon your central nervous system
  2. To reveal that the mere act of WATCHING them dismantles their power. READ THAT AGAIN.

Isn't that exactly what you're looking for? Excellent! Let's continue.

Mindfulness is the higher-level, fully-integrated use of Attention that is holistic, intuitive, and incorporates input from all five senses. To be mindful is to maintain a steady, relaxed level of Attention control that enables your Awareness to move about across all zones of internally directed and externally directed targeting focus. Kind of like being immersed in a huge bubble of Attention that goes with you wherever you walk and which you can stretch, shape, broaden, or shrink at will.

With mindfulness, instead of being aware of a bee alighting atop a flower to pollenate it, you are aware of the bee, flower, plant, the plants next to it, the whole patch of flowers, the yard the flower garden sits in, the house beside, the sky above, the cars passing by on the street, and your entire self (including any thoughts or emotions)...all simultaneously, without straining or difficulty because Mindfulness is not Concentration, but Awareness-centered control of Attention.

Besides a more relaxed grip on the spotlight of Attention, Mindfulness is more relaxing because it is the opposite of tight, hard exertion that often accompanies Concentration, and is more about Monitoring as a Receiver than broadcasting as a sender of Attention. With Mindfulness, you don't lock on to hold strenuously, but to quietly, calmly observe the actions of your mind without becoming involved.

Mindfulness Let's You Watch the Battle from an Inner Distance, Freeing You from Effects.

Continuous Global Awareness, Unified Attention, Max Spotlight, 4-Zone Integration - Monitor, Concentrate, Release, Monitor, like a large globe seeing simultaneously outward and inward. No matter the content or intensity of sensation coursing through your physical form, it is all allowed without resistance, yet without allowing yourself to get wrapped up in what you perceive.

You watch, you feel, you experience, but you do NOT leap in to get involved in what occurs, no matter how intense your internal urge to be a busybody - to 'break target lock' in order to deal with the intense experience.

By holding onto your targeted signal, all content flows by without distracting you. Rather, it improves your skill to observe without interference. It delivers personal power that improves your personal quality of life and its experience. 

Finally, Mindfulness is a way to increase the amount of time you spend habitually controlling and putting Attention to maximum effective use.

Mindfulness Training Drills and 'DUAL ATTENTION'

You may have heard of the term 'Dual Attention' or 'Divided Attention' related to Mindfulness practices, where instructors describe the simultaneous monitoring and tracking of your external target and internal mental activity.

"Dual Attention" is NOT Dual, it is 'Expanded' to take in multiple targets within a single zone (internally or externally) or across multiple zones simultaneously.

In other words, what is called 'dual' is actually still one experience to your Awareness, in which you intentionally shape your Awareness (concentrate, attend) to continuously monitor your target area the way a movie director calls for the movie camera to take in more of the view for a broader scene. The difference is, of course, that a director can't film two scenes with the same camera. You can. You can perceive both the outer target area and your inner experience without extreme difficulty or years of effort.

Mindfulness training puts you back in the driver's seat of your Attention as a matter of LIFESTYLE as opposed to limiting your effort to mental exercise sessions. Instead of training for 30 minutes or an hour a day, Mindfulness allows you to practice all day, every day, without becoming exhausted.

List of Mindfulness Training Drills

Attention is the Key to a Better Attitude and Sweeter Life Experience

ATTENTION ALLOWS YOU TO TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR ATTITUDE – SEEING THE TRUTH IS THE FIRST STEP TO SELF-MASTERY.One of the profoundly practical and profitable benefits of this type of training is that it teaches you to continually, ceaselessly MONITOR YOURSELF. In that habit, interior activity typically hidden from your notice is quickly exposed to your

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A Mental Exercise for Attention, Concentration & Focus

Take The Limits off Your Attention Span Using Your Breath to Pull Out of Distraction!”If I have forgotten breath, I have forgotten Attention, and thus I have forgotten EVERYTHING I need to remember!”Here’s a very simple mental exercise (from a podcast audio) that can not only reveal how good you are at focusing on a

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Mindfulness Helps Christians Defeat Temptation of Sin

Using Present Moment Attention to Disconnect From Temptation Before Sin Blossoms:1 Corinthians 10:13″No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can

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The End of Personal Development: Now!

The Ultimate Goal in Mindfulness Training is an End to Personal Development because Clear Mental Focus is a Self-Perfecting Lifestyle.In Mindfulness training, if done effectively, once the present moment and its value are understood, personal development training is no longer needed.  The present moment is the ultimate finish line for anything within you that sees the

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Attention Span Training – How To Overcome Mental Resistance!

Mental Resistance is What Causes You to Not Want to Do Something.How to Defeat the Repelling Emotional Resistance that Distracts You from Doing What’s Right for Your Personal Success and Richer Life Experience.When you aren’t ‘in the mood’ and don’t want to do what you know you must, it is not ‘YOU’ who is procrastinating.

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Despair is Doomed by Daily Mindful Attention Practice.

“The cure for the pain is in the pain.” – RumiDisciplined, Mindful Awareness Serves as a Powerful Self-Therapy and Self-Healing Lifestyle.When Rumi taught, “The cure for pain is in the pain,” he’s talking about using our Awareness, and concentrating our Attention to watch quietly and objectively, without interference, the rise and fall of emotional-laced mental

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